


(申彦) ヒカルランドからOKをいただいたので、「第2コペルニクス革命宣言」の全文をこちらに掲載しますね。

(竹本) 元々は、昨年、米国と北朝鮮の軍事的緊張が高まりつつある中でNatureに投稿した論文でした。

(申彦) 残念ながら掲載にはなりませんでしたけど、こうしてヒカルランドの新著でみなさんにお届けできるのは嬉しいですね。

(竹本) 新著は発売日など決まり次第、こちらでも告知しますので楽しみにしていてください!


第二コペルニクス革命: 科学と哲学における大潮流の転換点

竹本 良、申彦

 現在、新しい系外惑星が次々と発見されています。宇宙生命の発見も、もう間もなくでしょう。未確認飛行物体(UFO)が地球外の乗りものであることを証明する明確な科学的証拠はまだありません。しかしながら、アインシュタイン−オッペンハイマー書簡 (1947年6月)やS.グリア博士によるディスクロージャー・プロジェクトなど、多くの二次的証拠があります。


The Second Copernican Revolution: Critical Point of Big Tides in Science and Philosophy

Ryo Takemoto and Saruhiko

     In recent years, patriotism and rightist have been growing in many parts of the world. Meanwhile the military tension between the US and North Korea are increasing. In such a situation we think important to face to problems on this planet Earth by having the genuine awakening as Homo sapiens. As the former US president Ronald Reagan and the last leader of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev expressed, we could roll over the walls of nationalities, on considering extraterrestrial presence. And we can relatively understand us as earthlings as compared with extraterrestrials.
     Nowadays, new exoplanets have been discovered one after another. The discovery of the existence of cosmic life will arise soon or later. There is as yet no clear scientific evidence to prove that unidentified flying objects (UFOs) are the extraterrestrial vehicles. However there is a lot of second-hand evidence, i.e. the Einstein-Oppenheimer Draft (Jun 1947), the Disclosure Project by S. Greer, etc.
     As the Japanese “Kaikoku” (opening country) started from the revolutionary experience of Perry’s black ship visit in 1853, the forthcoming opening planet should start from extraterrestrial visits. The accumulating UFOs and extraterrestrial information indicates there is underlying revolution. We call it the second Copernican revolution.
     The change from the Ptolemaic to the Copernican theory was accomplished by the natural scientists and philosophers. However in the second Copernican revolution, the subjects are not only scholars but also general citizens who took UFO pictures and movies by smart phones. Therefore the second Copernican revolution is developing in the larger scale than the first Copernican revolution. The key point is the change from the theory of "we are alone" to that of "we are not alone". The ordinary people are saying that extraterrestrials are out there and it is time to go into the era of open star renaissance.


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